How to apply KT Tape: Inner knee
The Pes Anserine (goose’s foot) is the joining of three tendons on the front and inside portion of the lower knee area. The bursae in this area allow for smooth sliding of these tendons with the medial hamstrings and the medial collateral ligament. The bursae will often become inflamed during periods of overuse and cause mild to moderate pain. The three muscles (Sartorius, Gracilis, and Semitendinosus) whose tendons insert into this area all serve to flex the knee and affect hip position.
The primary cause of Pes Bursitis is overly tight hamstrings that put extra pressure on the surrounding bursae. Tight quads (especially in females), a blunt force to the inside of the knee, or over-pronation while running could also be causes. A rapid increase of activity without a proper stretching regimen is likely going to cause issues with the Pes Anserine area in the form of inflammation of the bursae or minor tearing of the tendons. This condition is also often found concurrently in patients who are experiencing Osgood-Schlatter syndrome, arthritis, or tears in the medial meniscus.
Pes Bursitis will at its worst be mild to moderate pain at the inside and lower-front portion of the knee. Pain beyond this point could be a sign of stress fractures or more serious issues involving ligaments. When pain becomes more than a simple annoying pain, the individual should seek alternatives means for cardiovascular training and focus on a stretching regimen for the hamstrings and quadriceps.
KT Tape will help to relieve pressure off of the inflamed bursae and increase circulation to the area. Both results will drastically reduce pain and reduce the time to heal*. As mentioned, a complete stretching regimen for the hamstrings and quads should be put in place as well. NSAIDs, ice after activity, and alternative means for cardiovascular fitness such as swimming should also be implemented. After symptoms are gone, focus on strength training of the lower body and continued flexibility.
Application overview
The Pes Anserine is the joining of three tendons on the front and inside portion of the lower knee area. The bursae in this area allow for smooth sliding of these tendons with the medial hamstrings and the medial collateral ligament. The bursae will often become inflamed during periods of overuse and cause mild to moderate pain. The three muscles (Sartorius, Gracilis, and Semitendinosus) whose tendons insert into this area all serve to flex the knee and affect hip position. This application of KT Tape helps by relieving pressure to reduce pain, relaxing muscles, and increasing circulation.
What you need
2 strips of KT TAPE
1 full 25cm strip
1 full 25cm strip cut in half
Apply before activity
Apply one hour before beginning activity
Clean skin
Clean dirt, oils and lotions from area
Activate adhesive
After application rub tape vigorously to activate adhesive
Body position
Position the knee at a 90 degree bend.

80% stretch
Anchor the middle of a half strip of tape over the point of pain with 80% stretch.

0% stretch
Apply the ends of tape without stretch.

80% stretch
Anchor the middle of a second half strip in an X pattern over the first strip with 80% stretch.

0% stretch
Apply the ends without stretch.

0% stretch
Anchor a full strip between the lower ends of the X pattern without stretch.

25% stretch
Lay the tape around the knee and up the thigh with 25%

0% stretch
Apply the last two inches of tape without stretch.
CAUTION: If you have skin sensitivities, cancer, or are pregnant, consult your doctor before use. Discontinue use if skin becomes irritated or sore. KT TAPE® is not a replacement for professional medical care. Warranties and remedies limited to product replacement cost. READ ALL CAUTIONS ON ENCLOSED INSTRUCTION SHEET PRIOR TO USE.