How to apply KT Tape: Bicep
Bicep pain can be caused by a number of issues including muscle tears, pinched nerves, ligament or tendon damage, or swollen lymph nodes – among other things. Lifting too much weight, catching a heavy object, or repeated strain on the muscle and tendons can lead to pain in the biceps.
The pain will either be along the biceps muscles or at the front of the shoulder, indication biceps tendonitis. Pain along the muscle is more common in acute injuries, and pain at the front of the shoulder is more common in conditions that have developed over time.
KT Tape can help relieve the pain in the bicep by relaxing a damage muscle, increasing blood flow to reduce inflammation, or relieving pressure off the area*. However, pain at the bicep can range from a minor issue to a severe problem. If you are uncertain, see a medical professional.
Application overview
The bicep muscles and tendons run along the front of your arm and to the front of the shoulder. These muscles are responsible for “curling” motions and raising your arm in front of you. Causes of bicep pain may include tears and strains to the muscle or nerve, ligament, or tendon damage. KT Tape relieves pressure, supports the muscle, and may increase circulation to reduce pain.
What you need
1 strip of KT TAPE
Apply before activity
Apply one hour before beginning activity
Clean skin
Clean dirt, oils and lotions from area
Activate adhesive
After application rub tape vigorously to activate adhesive
Body position
Stretch the bicep by holding arm out to the side.

0% stretch
Anchor a full strip one inch above the inner elbow without stretch.

25% stretch
Apply tape along the bicep with 25% stretch.

0% stretch
Lay the last 5cm down without stretch.
CAUTION: If you have skin sensitivities, cancer, or are pregnant, consult your doctor before use. Discontinue use if skin becomes irritated or sore. KT TAPE® is not a replacement for professional medical care. Warranties and remedies limited to product replacement cost. READ ALL CAUTIONS ON ENCLOSED INSTRUCTION SHEET PRIOR TO USE.