How to apply KT Tape: Glutes
The gluteus muscles are the three main muscles that make up the buttocks. These muscles rotate the hip to the outside, extend the trunk of the body, and perform movements such as the squat and lunge. The gluteus muscles’ role in extending the legs is extended to stabilizing our core as we stand or move and providing a cushion as we sit. Various conditions can cause pain, and this KT Tape application can help to provide relief from it*.
Causes include sitting for long periods of time (atrophy and pressure), strains from over-activity, injuries affecting the lower back or hamstrings, or any number of activities or injuries that can make any position or activity painful.
Pain can be caused by a number of different factors including knots in the muscles, inflammation of muscle attachments, inflammation of bursas, lower back problems, hamstring tightness or overactivity, or referred pain from the spine.
Using KT Tape will help to relieve pressure from the area by providing support, increase blood flow, and stimulate the proper reactions from muscles to alleviate symptoms. These functions help to reduce pain and prevent compensation injuries – injuries that arise from abnormal movement due to existing pain. Rest, massage, and strength training have also been shown to reverse the atrophic effects of sitting too long or inactivity and pressure. And though gluteus issues can be a real pain in the butt, KT Tape can help to relieve the pain and get you moving again.
Application overview
The gluteus muscles are the three main muscles that make up the buttocks. These muscles rotate the hip to the outside, extend the trunk of the body, and perform movements such as the squat and lunge. The gluteus muscles’ role in extending the legs is extended to stabilizing our core as we stand or move and providing a cushion as we sit. Causes of gluteus pain may include overuse, hip misalignment, muscle imbalances, sitting or standing for long periods of time, or abrupt changes in training. KT Tape helps treat this condition by relaxing the overworked muscles and increasing circulation.
What you need
2 full strips of KT Tape
Apply before activity
Apply one hour before beginning activity
Clean skin
Clean dirt, oils and lotions from area
Activate adhesive
After application rub tape vigorously to activate adhesive
Body position
Stretch the Gluteus
Apply tape directly to skin, photos show placement on body only

0% stretch
Anchor tape two inches above and diagonal to the area of pain.

25% stretch
Apply the tape over the line of pain with 25% stretch.

0% stretch
Lay the last two inches of tape down without stretch.

0% stretch
Apply a second strip of tape parallel to the first strip with the same technique used with the first strip.

25% stretch
Apply the tape over the line of pain with 25% stretch.

0% stretch
Lay the last two inches of tape down without stretch.