How to apply KT Tape: Groin
A groin strain is an injury to the adductor muscles that bring the leg back towards the body. Less severe strains pull the muscle beyond their normal range of motion and create incomplete micro-tears. More severe strains tear the muscle fibers in total and can even cause a complete tear of the muscle.
Groin strains, tears, or pulls usually show up after activity involving multiple changes in direction or excessive stretching or lunging motions. Any full contact sport puts an individual at greater risk of groin strains due to the variability in motion and the jarring nature of contact sport. Missteps, falls, and kicking motions are also risk factors.
Symptoms include tightness, discomfort or pain, and possibly swelling or bruising in severe cases. These strains can be very painful and keep you sidelined from life and sport without the right treatment.
Use KT Tape to relax and support the strained muscles as well as provide pain relief*. A combination of light progressive stretching and KT Tape will help get you active again in a much shorter time*.
Groin strains are usually graded as follows:
• Grade I Groin Strain*: Mild discomfort, often no disability. Usually does not limit activity.
• Grade II Groin Strain: Moderate discomfort, can limit ability to perform activities such as running and jumping. May have moderate swelling and bruising associated.
• Grade III Groin Strain: Severe injury that can cause pain with walking. Often people complain of muscle spasm, swelling, and significant bruising.
• KT Tape application is an appropriate use for Grade I and II groin strains. Seek professional medical evaluation for grade III strains and use KT Tape as part of a larger treatment plan.
Application overview
A groin strain is an injury to the adductor muscles that bring the leg back towards the body. Less severe strains pull the muscle beyond their normal range of motion and create incomplete micro-tears. More severe strains tear the muscle fibers in total and can even cause a complete tear of the muscle. KT Tape helps treat this condition by relaxing the muscles, providing support and stability, and increasing circulation.
What you need
2 full strips of KT Tape
Apply before activity
Apply one hour before beginning activity
Clean skin
Clean dirt, oils and lotions from area
Activate adhesive
After application rub tape vigorously to activate adhesive
Body position
Stretch the groin as shown.

25% stretch
Anchor a full strip of tape to the side of the knee on the inner muscles of leg as shown with no stretch. Apply the tape towards the groin with 25% stretch.

0% stretch
Apply the last two inches of tape without stretch.

25% stretch
Anchor a full strip parallel to the first strip as shown. Apply the tape towards the groin with 25% stretch.

0% stretch
Apply the last two inches of tape without stretch.
CAUTION: If you have skin sensitivities, cancer, or are pregnant, consult your doctor before use. Discontinue use if skin becomes irritated or sore. KT TAPE® is not a replacement for professional medical care. Warranties and remedies limited to product replacement cost. READ ALL CAUTIONS ON ENCLOSED INSTRUCTION SHEET PRIOR TO USE.