How to apply KT Tape: Hip flexor
Hip flexor pain is a relatively uncommon injury to the front of the hip that is more predominant in younger adults and females. However uncommon it may be, when one suffers from a hip flexor injury or strain, it can be very painful. The hip flexor muscles consist of the psoas major and minor and the iliacus muscles. They are often referred to as a group by the term “iliopsoas muscles”. These muscles serve to flex the thigh and pull the knee upward.
Lack of flexibility in the hip, core weakness, and acute trauma are all common causes of hip flexor injury. Injury is typically caused by an acute (specific) injury during an explosive or forceful movement such as kicking, changing direction quickly, or breaking into a sprint.
The pain typically presents on the front of the hip and can radiate down the thigh and will become worse when attempting to move the leg forward or upward.
KT Tape can help relax and support the muscles that make up the hip flexor group so that the healing process can begin. Using KT Tape will help to increase circulation as well as send positive signals to the muscles affected. Additional treatment entails resting, icing, light stretching, and eventually balance and strength training.
Application overview
Hip flexor pain is a relatively uncommon injury to the front of the hip that is more predominant in younger adults and females. However uncommon it may be, when one suffers from a hip flexor injury or strain, it can be very painful. The hip flexor muscles serve to flex the thigh and pull the knee upward. Causes of hip flexor pain may include uneven motions or training, running on hills or stairs, or abrupt starts and stops. KT Tape relaxes associated muscles, provides stability and support, and may increase circulation.
What you need
2 full strips of KT Tape
Apply before activity
Apply one hour before beginning activity
Clean skin
Clean dirt, oils and lotions from area
Activate adhesive
After application rub tape vigorously to activate adhesive
Body position
Stretch the skin on hip by leaning backwards and bringing legs under the body as shown.
Apply tape directly to skin, photos show placement on body only

0% stretch
Anchor a full strip without stretch 3 inches below the point of pain.

25% stretch
Lay the tape diagonally toward hip over the point of pain with 25% stretch.

0% stretch
Apply last two inches without stretch on tape.

0% stretch
A full strip of tape inside the first strip as shown.

25% stretch
Apply the tape over the point of pain with 25% stretch.

0% stretch
Apply the last two inches without stretch.
CAUTION: If you have skin sensitivities, cancer, or are pregnant, consult your doctor before use. Discontinue use if skin becomes irritated or sore. KT TAPE® is not a replacement for professional medical care. Warranties and remedies limited to product replacement cost. READ ALL CAUTIONS ON ENCLOSED INSTRUCTION SHEET PRIOR TO USE.